The Bellarmine Conference of St. Vincent de Paul provides assistance in food, rent, utility bills, medication, clothing, furniture, and more to our neighbors in Evanston and Avondale. Visits take place every Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. We pray together during these visits and see how we might help with some of our neighbor’s other needs.
If you are a neighbor in need, please call our St. Vincent de Paul Conference’s direct line at 513-421-0602 to receive assistance. We will contact you within one week of your request.
Lord Jesus, you who willed to become poor, give us eyes and a heart directed to the poor; help us recognize you in them — in their thirst, hunger, loneliness, and misfortune. Enkindle within our Vincentian Family unity, simplicity, humility, and the fire of love that burned in St. Vincent de Paul. Strengthen us, so that faithful to the practice of these virtues, we may contemplate you and see you in the person of the poor, and may one day be united with you and them in your Kingdom. Amen.
This Prayer of the Vincentian Family captures the charism of St. Vincent de Paul and our founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam. Our Service and Solidarity Team works to live into this charism as we serve our neighbors each week.
Our assistance ranges from rent, utilities, food, and bus transportation to SVdP, plus store vouchers for beds, furniture, and household items. Almost every neighbor that we visit obtains some help from the Conference. The Vincentian volunteers are members of Bellarmine Chapel, and our financial resources come from the generosity of the Bellarmine community.
Our spiritual life development is as central to our work as our visits.