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Young Couples and Families

Bellarmine Chapel has a thriving parish that includes young couples and families, and we want to find ways to connect you. There are many opportunities provided through our social mission teams and intergenerational events. We invite you to join us for seasonal events such as our Active Discipleship Days, Advent Wreath Making, Seder Meal, and Easter Egg Hunt. 

Below is a list of opportunities for our young couples and families to meet together in smaller groups. 

Young Couples
Look for opportunities to gather and get to know each other at the chapel after Mass and off-campus at local restaurants. We also offer retreats for engaged couples in our marriage preparation process. 

Bellarmine families can gather together during our Sunday morning Faith Formation (GIFT), youth group, and during summer VBS, occurring annually during the second week of June. We also share breakfast at the opening and closing of the school year. Our breakfasts are open to all parish families, whether you enrolled in Faith Formation or not. We gather by the Husman stage area outside the chapel in early May between the morning Masses. 

Please look for dates and registration forms in our weekly bulletin for more information on any above opportunities. 

If you have questions or want to help organize and plan, please contact us at Use this form to register your children for GIFT, youth group, and more!