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Bellarmine Chapel rejoices with you as you bring your child into our parish community!

Request Baptism

Baptism Preparation Class

Guidelines for Baptism in Bellarmine Chapel

  1. To emphasize that Baptism joins a candidate to the community, infant Baptism is ordinarily celebrated during the Sunday Eucharist. The dates are carefully chosen according to the feasts of the liturgical year.
  2. Everyone baptized at Bellarmine Chapel is baptized into our community as well as into the universal Church. Parents who are registered members of Bellarmine parish may have their children baptized here. If you are seeking a church home we welcome you to consider becoming a registered parishioner with us. Parents who are members of another parish are encouraged to seek Baptism there.
    • Our preparation program for parents seeking infant Baptism consists of a one-and-a-half  hour session that includes information about Baptism and time for reflection and consideration of how we pass on our faith. Parents will also spend some guided reflection time at home in preparation for the session. You are welcome to bring your infant as well as other siblings. Godparents are always welcome to attend. The Baptism is then celebrated during the Eucharistic liturgy on the next scheduled baptismal Sunday. Through the preparation process, the parents’ own faith commitment and their confidence in raising their child in the Catholic faith will be strengthened. 
  3. The pastoral staff will determine, in particular instances, if pastoral reasons justify an exception to our usual practices.
  4. Please complete our request form to arrange for the baptism of a child, or contact our Sacramental Ministry Coordinator at (513) 745-3377. Please allow adequate time to complete the preparation process prior to the baptism. A fee of $50 is requested for preparation of all baptisms celebrated at Bellarmine Chapel before or on the date of the scheduled baptism. You can pay this fee online or with a check the day of the event.
  5. It is customary to provide a stipend of $25 to $100 to the priest who performs the baptism. This amount is at your discretion and should be given directly to the priest or staff following the ceremony.
  6. We are able to offer livestream for private baptisms. NOTE: livestreamed events are available for private ceremonies and need to take place at the altar to allow for the use of our installed cameras. We are unable to provide immersion or use the large baptismal font in the narthex for this option. The filming is handled by volunteers. We ask that you provide them $25 in gratuity for their time.


Why Do We Celebrate Baptism?

Baptism is the foundation of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Christian community and made sharers in Christ’s mission.

Through Baptism, the believer is incorporated into Christ. As a son or daughter of God, he/she is called to share in Christ’s mission of justice and love. An understanding of our lifelong call as Christians unfolds as the newly baptized continues to participate in the life of the community of believers.

Moreover, in Baptism, we are handed the promise of eternal life with God and are given the access to grace that will sustain us in our life as Christians and members of the Body of Christ. Baptism is not merely a personal experience that takes place within; it is a community event. New life in Christ is symbolized by our new white garment; we are anointed with Chrism, which admits us into the common priesthood of all believers; and we are given a candle which represents our role as a light to the nations! These are so many awesome blessings and awesome responsibilities!

With infant baptism in particular, the Church depends on the parents as the primary educators of the child. Godparents and the faithful also share in the responsibility of encouraging and supporting the participation of the child in the life of the Church. In the celebration of the sacrament the parents and the godparents are directly challenged to ask the Church for the gift of Faith for the child. By their own lives they and their family will provide inspiration and an example of Christian life for the child. The infant is born into a family, yes, but by Baptism the infant is reborn into the entire community of believers. The presence and participation of the community is incorporated into the rite itself. So it is in Baptism that our faith journey begins. An infant’s Baptism is a sign of the present as well as a future reality. It points to those years of growth and guidance in Christ which will be provided by family, community and the Church. The mark of Baptism is indelible: there is nothing we can do to lose the promise of salvation gained for us in those holy waters.

Contact our sacramental coordinator for more information about our Children’s Faith Formation Resources including the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion.