The Bellarmine Conference of St. Vincent de Paul provides assistance in food, rent, utility bills, medication, clothing, furniture, and more to our neighbors in Evanston and Avondale. Visits take place every Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. We pray together during these visits and see how we might help with some of our neighbor’s other needs.
If you are a neighbor in need, please call our St. Vincent de Paul Conference’s direct line at 513-421-0602 to receive assistance. We will contact you within one week of your request.
Those who are homebound and unable to attend Mass in person can request communion to be delivered to them at home. When we visit, we will ask you questions (This will need to be reuploaded to our new digital assets manager, then relinked here) regarding your health and the health of those with whom you are in contact. These are the same questions every health care organization in the city is asking, recommended by our Governor and the CDC.
For many church communities, including ours, living through Covid we learned a lot about how to take care of one another. As a parish we were able to respond to the urgent needs we learned of, but for households who were coping with long-term physical and emotional needs, we could have responded better.
And so the Network of Care was conceived. Actually, it was restored. Parishioners who were here in the 80’s may recall this effort that was valuable but short-lived. There are actually 76 zip codes represented by our parish members in the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky areas. (This does not include the 26 out-of-state zip codes of our “remote” parishioners.)
Members who live in the same or an adjacent zip code are positioned by proximity to provide care for one another and to form community with one another in neighborhoods. “Care” could include a ride to the Chapel for Sunday Mass or to a medical appointment, providing meals, offering a listening ear during a difficult time, etc. Last spring we selected five zip code areas we launched as “pilots,” and now are ready to expand the Network of Care throughout the entire parish.
It is our hope that through this Network of Care we will multiply and extend our experience of a community caring for one another throughout the neighborhoods in which we all live. We encourage everyone to support this initiative by submitting an opt-in form.
You can make special intentions or prayer requests online (link to prayer request page). You can either keep your request private (shared with staff only or pastor only) or share it with the prayer chain community so all our members can keep you, your intention, and/or your loved one in prayer.