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Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults Program (“OCIA”) guides and welcomes new members into the Catholic Church.

Bellarmine Chapel has a long-standing and active tradition of involvement in OCIA. The process offers a way to inquire about the Catholic faith, to be introduced to the Bellarmine community, and to be initiated over time into the Catholic Church. 

The OCIA process welcomes baptized Christians from other denominations and unbaptized adults to join group sessions as a way of entering into full communion with Catholic life and worship. 

The OCIA process also invites all parishioners to be involved in this ministry–by welcoming new members, sponsoring them, or teaching in our catechetical sessions. We meet weekly on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Parish Center or Zoom. The OCIA process continues year-round. 


Invitation To Inquiry

Our OCIA ministry produced this new video inviting people to take the first step and come to our inquiry sessions. Several recent “neophytes” and “newly confirmed” tell the stories of what moved them to attend and why they continued. Please take a few minutes to watch it, then consider to whom you could send the link to help us spread this invitation. 



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Interested in becoming a Catholic? Email Jane Myers to join OCIA.

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Interested in becoming a Catholic? Email Jane Myers to join OCIA.

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