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How can I get a parking pass?

When do I need a permit:

  • If you have a disability placard/plate, you will need this permit to park in the Bellarmine Circle during Mass.
  • If you volunteer or attend meetings Mon-Sat at the Chapel, you will need this permit to park in lined spaces in any of the Xavier lots around the Chapel or on University Drive.

If you are a Xavier staff/faculty member or a Xavier student, please do not request this permit. You need to get a permit from the University.

Please complete this form: Parking Permit for Bellarmine Chapel. You will be contacted when the placard is ready for pickup.


Daily & Sunday Mass Parking

The “No Ticket Window” for daily and Sunday Mass times include the following:

  1.     Monday-Saturday:       7:30 a.m. – 9 a.m.
  2.     Monday-Friday:            4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  3.     Sunday:                          All Day

During the above times, you can park in any designated (lined) space in the campus lots near the chapel or along University Drive.

If you have a valid disability license plate/placard and a Bellarmine placard, you can park in the Bellarmine Circle during the above times for mass. When parking in the Bellarmine circle (with appropriate placards), please: 

  • Parallel park on the outer edge of the circle so that large vehicles (buses, emergency equipment, etc.) can still go around the circle.
  • Do not park between the concrete flower pots in front of the chapel. This provides access to get to other buildings on campus.

If you have a Bellarmine placard, you can park along Musketeer Drive (cobblestone between the intersection and the Bellarmine Circle) during the above times for mass.

Normal/general parking rules (i.e., no parking by fire hydrants, a valid disability license plate/placard is required to park in any lined handicap space, etc.) will apply during these times.

NOTE: Bellarmine will advise the University for Holy Day mass times. The “No Ticket Window” will be a 30 minutes before Mass begins and 30 minutes after Mass ends.

Citations will be issued:

  • If you park in the Bellarmine Circle or along Musketeer Drive outside the above mass times (even with appropriate placards).
  • If you park in the Bellarmine Circle or along Musketeer Drive inside the above mass times without the appropriate placards.
  • If you park along Francis Xavier Way at any time (there are no designated lined spaces).
  • If you do not follow normal/general parking rules


With a Bellarmine placard, you can park in any designated (lined) space in the campus lots near the chapel or along University Drive.

Citations will be issued:

  • If you park in the Bellarmine Circle or along Musketeer Drive.
  • If you park along St. Francis Xavier Way at any time (there are no designated lined spaces).
  • If you do not follow normal/general parking rules.

Bellarmine staff will notify XUPD of these events. “No Ticket Window” for these events will be a half hour before the beginning of the event and 30 minutes after the end of the event.

During the above times, you can park in any designated (lined) space in the campus lots or along University Drive.

If you have a valid disability license plate/placard and a Bellarmine placard, you can park in the Bellarmine circle during special events. When parking in the Bellarmine circle (with appropriate placards), please: 

  • Parallel park on the outer edge of the circle so that large vehicles (buses, emergency equipment, etc.) can still go around the circle.
  • Do not park between the concrete flower pots in front of the chapel. This provides access to get to other buildings on campus.

If you have a Bellarmine placard, you can park along Musketeer Drive (cobblestone between the intersection and the Bellarmine Circle) during the above times for mass.

Other normal/general parking rules (i.e., no parking by fire hydrants, needing a a valid disability license plate/placard to park in any lined handicap space, etc.) will apply during these times.

 Citations will be issued:

  • If you park in the Bellarmine Circle or along Musketeer Drive outside the special event time (even with appropriate placards)
  • If you park in the Bellarmine Circle or along Musketeer Drive inside the special event time without the appropriate placards.
  • If you park along Francis Xavier Way at any time (there are no designated lined spaces).
  • If you do not follow normal/general parking rules.

Bellarmine staff will notify XUPD of these events. “No Ticket Window” for these events will be a half hour before the beginning of the event and 30 minutes after the end of the event.

During the wedding, you can park in any designated (lined) space in the campus lots or along University Drive.

If you have a valid disability license plate/placard, you can park in the Bellarmine Circle during the wedding. When parking in the Bellarmine circle (with appropriate placards), please: 

  • Parallel park on the outer edge of the circle so that large vehicles (buses, emergency equipment, etc.) can still go around the circle.
  • Do not park between the concrete flower pots in front of the chapel. This provides access to get to other buildings on campus.

A wedding bus/limo or cars can come down to the Bellarmine Circle to drop off/pick up people.  It should park in a campus lot during the ceremony.

Other wedding party members can park along Musketeer Drive as space allows.

Citations will be issued:

  • If you park along Francis Xavier Way at any time (there are no designated lined spaces).
  • If you do not follow normal/general parking rules.

Bellarmine staff will notify XUPD of these events.  “No Ticket Window” for these events will be a half hour before the beginning of the event and 30 minutes after the end of the event.

During the funeral, you can park in any designated (lined) space in the campus lots or along University Drive.

If you have a valid disability license plate/placard, you can park in the Bellarmine Circle during the funeral. When parking in the Bellarmine circle (with appropriate placards), please: 

  • Parallel park on the outer edge of the circle so that large vehicles (buses, emergency equipment, etc.) can still go around the circle.
  • Do not park between the concrete flower pots in front of the chapel.  This provides access to get to other buildings on campus.

Other family/guests for the funeral can park along Musketeer Drive as space allows.

The funeral hearse can park in the Bellarmine Circle (not between the flower pots).

Others can come down to the Bellarmine Circle to drop off/pick up people and park in a campus lot during the funeral.

Citations will be issued:

  • If you park along Francis Xavier Way at any time (there are no designated lined spaces).
  • If you do not follow normal/general parking rules.

With a Bellarmine placard, you can park in any designated (lined) space in the campus lots near the Nexus Gardens

Citations will be issued:

  • If you park in the Bellarmine Circle or along Musketeer Drive.
  • If you park along St. Francis Xavier Way at any time (there are no designated lined spaces).
  • If you do not follow normal/general parking rules.

With a Bellarmine placard (no need for a valid disability license plate/placard), you can drive down to Bellarmine Circle and park there for 10-15 minutes to load/unload items from your vehicle.

Remember, for the students, Musketeer Drive and the Bellarmine Circle are in the midst of their campus. Please drive cautiously and remember there will be pedestrians along Musketeer Drive and the Bellarmine Circle. 

When there are large events at Cintas, certain lots may be closed and access to the Chapel may be limited.