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Leadership Committees

Bellarmine Chapel is deeply committed to promoting lay leadership in our parish and has a strong tradition of action and outreach inspired by Catholic social teaching. Our leadership committees provide parishioners an opportunity to serve the parish community and work with the parish staff to help us live out our mission.

Each Leadership Committee convenes through a parish staff member and serves to advise, consult and support the main ministerial silos of the parish.

Parish Advisory Council Nominations

As we begin this Lenten season, we are reminded that our faith is lived out not only in prayer but also in service to our parish community. One way to engage with others and forward the mission of Bellarmine Chapel is through leadership in our Parish Advisory Council.

The nomination period is now open! Parishioners are invited to nominate themselves or others to serve on the Parish Advisory Council. Nominations will be accepted through April 16, 2025.

Upcoming Leadership Discernment Events:

  • March 23: Ministry witness at all Masses, featuring reflections from current council members.
  • March 29: Parish Councils: Synodality in Practice – A special workshop by Fr. Tom DiFolco at the Xavier University Health United Building from 9-11 a.m. Click here to RSVP.
  • May 1: All nominees will be informed of their nomination and invited into the discernment process.
  • June 8 (Pentecost Sunday): New council members will be selected.

We encourage all parishioners to prayerfully consider how they might serve. This is a unique opportunity to share your gifts and help shape the future of our parish.

To submit a nomination, complete the form below and email it to

Self Nomination

Nominate Someone Else

The Parish Advisory Council pays attention to the spirit and quality of life within our parish as a whole. The council brings together 8-10 members from the parish who engage in a regular discernment process that keeps our community faithful to the message of Jesus. The council considers current needs, pastoral priorities, long-range plans, and other strategic issues that affect the parish. Meetings are monthly, with members appointed for three-year terms. From time to time, a need may arise to form a working group to focus attention on some particular aspect of parish life. For the most part, however, the Parish Advisory Council operates as a whole and is based on prayerful reflection. In this way, the council contributes to the overall quality of our parish community. 

Current Members of the Parish Advisory Council:
Adam Aurisano
Ben Eilerman
Caitlin Ingram
Fr. Paul Lickteig, SJ (Ex Officio, Pastor)
Becky Meyer
Jane Myers (Ex Officio Member)
Janet Neidhard (Council Chair)
Fred Reuter
Bill Sandquist
Ann Schoelwer
Fr. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ (Ex Officio Member)
Gerry Weller

Contact the Parish Advisory Council (

The Finance Committee works to make sure that the parish has the financial means to support our mission and ministry fully and that our spending is in line with our budget. At meetings, which typically occur eight times per year, committee members review the budget, discuss stewardship issues, oversee financial controls, and consider staff needs.  

While some experience with financial matters is important, a member need not be a finance professional to participate. This group provides the highest benefit to the parish when its members reflect the breadth and diversity within the parish. 

Current Members of the Finance Committee:
​Tom Green (Chair)
Lelia Kramer (Member)
Michael Marrero (Secretary)
Anne Niehaus (Member)
Mark Sneider (Member)
Lauren Talbot (Member)
Paul Lickteig, S.J. (Ex Officio, Pastor)
Kathy Heile (Ex Officio Member)
Lisa Durr (Ex Officio Member)

Contact the Finance Committee

The Worship Core Team includes members from the parish who meet monthly to pray and discuss the worship needs of the Bellarmine community. The Team meets monthly (10 times each year), guiding the pastor and staff related to public and private worship activities. 

Team members work to uphold the Worship Core Mission: to serve in an advisory role for the pastor and staff; examining, exploring, assessing forms of worship, and prayerfully discerning which may be of most significant help to Bellarmine parishioners on their faith journey. Members may also assist in providing opportunities for Bellarmine parishioners to participate in such forms of communal (and to a lesser degree, private) worship.

Current Members of the Worship Core Team:
Ric Calme
Carol Carlin
John Feister
Rosaleen Laughlin
Fr. Paul Lickteig, S.J. (Parish Family Pastor)
Margaret Neidhard Jones
Lucy Pavlick
Daniel Pfahl (7 p.m. Mass Coordinator)
Jean Perkinson (9 a.m. Mass Coordinator)
Rita Pritchard (Sectretary)
Kathy Riga (11:30 a.m. Mass Coordinator)
Brendan Ryan (Chair)
Fr. Damian Torres-Botello S.J. (Parochial Vicar)
Roberta Whitely (Director of Music)

To contact the Worship Core team, please email

The Social Mission Core Team is a parish leadership team representing the breadth of our parish’s sustainability and social mission activity, both Issue-based Action Teams and Service and Solidarity Teams. Representatives are elected to two-year terms beginning in August. Core Team members serve as community organizers for the parish focused on sustaining and growing our social mission and forming active disciples. 

Current Members of the Social Mission Core Team:
Lindsay Horn (Staff)
Martin Madar
Kim Navaro
Emily Piatt
Laurie Roche
Fr. Ed Schmidt, SJ
Kenna Cornish Scott
Tim Severyn (Staff)
Ashley Theuring
Linda Wheeler

The Evangelization and Discipleship Core Team comprises persons from various Faith Formation ministry groups. We meet on the second Monday of each month to pray, evaluate, and plan current activities and programs with the Director of Faith Formation.

Mission: oversee and assess the formation needs of Bellarmine parish members while planning programs and offering resources that contribute to our ongoing faith development

Current Members of the Evangelization and Discipleship Core Team:
Daphne Adams
John Appeldorn
Paula Dunson
Pam Fellerhoff (Staff)
Cynthia Hale
Dan Hanus
Holly Maly
Jane Myers (Staff)
Amanda Nobbe
Chuck Pool
Christine Riehle
Larry Suer

The Young Adult Core Team is a group of young adults who help to plan and organize the activities that Bellarmine Chapel hosts for young adults throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. We meet on the first Thursday of every month.

Current Members of the Young Adult Core Team:
Stephen Eckart
Sofia Gonzalez
Jack Marcum
Nicole McKenna
Leslie Porter

For more information, contact Fr. Damian.